Fern Communications (FernCom), an OEG Offshore Company, is proud to share that one of their apprentices, Mia Porter, an Apprentice Project Manager – Engineering, recently took her first trip offshore to East Anglia ONE offshore wind farm.
Earlier this year Mia completed her GWO training course at East Coast Energy Skills Centre in Lowestoft to prepare her for offshore work; this enabled her to embark on her first trip offshore with two colleagues to perform routine checks on FernCom’s equipment on the East Anglia ONE substation.
At 18 years of age, Mia is one of the youngest engineers to go offshore; Mia commented, “I had always been aware of the increasing presence of wind turbines in East Anglia as I grew up in the area but had never once expected to visit an offshore wind farm myself.
It was an incredible experience to see first-hand the sheer scale of a wind farm like East Anglia ONE and it has been really beneficial to gain this deeper understanding of the types of environments that I will be dealing with during my apprenticeship with Fern Communications.”
Image: Fern Com team members Mia and Andy pictured offshore on East Anglia ONE offshore wind farm.